
Pediatric Scales

  • 57% On Sale
    Our PS-AS700-4422 is a heavy duty but sleek vet scale that can weigh small to medium sized animals with animal weighing and peak hold functions. I deal for weighing small live stock such as Hogs, Pigs, Goats, Sheep and Dogs.  PS-700AS PS-AS700 Veterinary Scale

    PS-AS700 44″ x 22″ x 2″ 7…

    Prime Scales

    Now: $299.99
    Was: $700.00
      Our PS-AS700-4422 is a heavy duty but sleek Veterinary Scale  that can weigh small to medium sized animals with animal weighing and peak hold functions. I deal for weighing small live stock such as Hogs, Pigs, Goats, Sheep and Dogs. It can...
    Now: $299.99
    Was: $700.00

Pediatric Scales